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Songs of the Pogo Podcasts - Episodes
Episode 1
An Introduction to the Wonderful World of Walt Kelly
Go Go Pogo Story
Go Go Pogo Song
Deck Us All With Boston Charlie Comic Strip Scene
Deck Us All With Boston Charlie Song
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: The Picture
Deck Us All With Boston Charlie Story
Deck Us All With Boston Charlie Song
Featuring the voices of Norm Boucher, Danny Crawford, Frank Farrell,
Elizabeth Kelly, Zander Kirby, Julia Maish, Ben Masterton and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 22;03
Episode 2
HIS STORY - the Wonderful World of Walt Kelly
Don’t Sugar Me Story
Don’t Sugar Me Song
Looking Ahead Behind By A Nose Comic Strip Scene
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: Backward Glance
Many Harry Returns Story
Many Harry Returns Song
Featuring the voices of Norm Boucher, Danny Crawford, Aisha de Haas,
Frank Farrell, Zander Kirby, Julia Maish, Ben Masterton, Ashley Oviedo and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 19:29
Episode 3
HIS INFLUENCES - the Wonderful World of Walt Kelly
Evidence by Lewis Caroll Story
Evidence Song
A Hair’s Breathe Comic Strip Scene
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: Under the Table
The Pettifoggery of Subterfusion Comic Strip Scene
Man’s Best Friend Story
Man’s Best Friend Song
An Interview with Gil Kane and Walt Kelly
Hung Up On The Ectoplastic Phone Comic Strip Scene
Featuring the voices of Norm Boucher, Danny Crawford, Frank Farrell, Richard Henzel,
Elizabeth Kelly, Jennifer Kim, Julia Maish, Ben Masterton, Jeanette Schwaba and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 33:10
Episode 4
THE MUSIC OF MONATH - The Wonderful World of Walt Kelly
Mistily Meandering Story
Mistily Meandering Song
I Is A-Bubble With Jokes Comic Strip Scene
The Interview Continues with Gil Kane and Walt Kelly
The Head Of A Pin Comic Strip Scene
Twirl, Twirl Story
Twirl, Twirl Song
Featuring the voices of Norm Boucher, Danny Crawford, Frank Farrell, Richard Henzel,
Elizabeth Kelly, Zander Kirby, Julia Maish, Ben Masterton, and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 26:56
Episode 5
MAN’S BEST FRIEND: A POGO RADIO PROGRAM - The Wonderful World of Walt Kelly
Mans’s Best Friend: An Unaired Pogo Radio Program
Featuring the voices of Danny Crawford, Frank Farrell, Richard Henzel,
Elizabeth Kelly, Zander Kirby, Julia Maish, Ben Masterton, Jeanette Schwaba and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 30:13
Episode 6
HIS IMAGINATION - The Wonderful World of Walt Kelly
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: On The Radio & Elemenoe P
The Keen and the Quing Story
The Keen and the Quing Song
Uncle Beanfellow is Dead Sure Comic Strip Scene
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: Past Participle Tense
The Interview Continues with Gil Kane and Walt Kelly
The Unpopularity Contest Comic Strip Scene
Parsnoops Story
Parsnoops Song 7 The Corridor to Nowhere is a Long Haul (comic strip
Featuring the voices of Norm Boucher, Danny Crawford, Karen Eterovich, Frank Farrell, Richard Henzel, Elizabeth Kelly, Jennifer Kim, Zander Kirby,
Julia Maish, Ben Masterton, Jeanette Schwaba and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 27:14
Episode 7
Whither the Starling Story
Whither the Starling Song
The Corridor to Nowhere is a Long Haul Comic Strip Scene
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: Who Belts His Mother?
A Song Not For Now Song
Some Early Threat of Promise & Warpath to Peace Comic Strip Scenes
Walt Kelly Childhood Memoir: Bridgeport
Mistress Flurry Story
Mistress Flurry Song
Featuring the voices of Kevin Blair, Norm Boucher, Danny Crawford, Aisha de Haas, Frank Farrell, Elizabeth Kelly, Ben Masterton, Julia Maish, Ashley Oviedo, Jeanette Schwaba and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 32:11
Episode 8
Truly True Story
Truly True Song
The TV Séance Show Comic Strip Scene
Lhude Sing Cuccu Story
Lhude Sing Cuccu Song
POGO IN LOVE - First Class, Special Delivery Fee-Male, Two Shots for the Road & The Weigh of Her Heart Comic Strip Scenes
Kelly Roundup: Quotes about the book Songs of the Pogo
One Small Score for Two Brown Eyes or Only the Lone Story
One Small Score for Two Brown Eyes or Only the Lone Song
Some Final Words From Walt Kelly: Just Behind the Nose
Featuring the voices of Norm Boucher, Claudia Egli, Frank Farrell, Mary Gross, Richard Henzel,Elizabeth Kelly, Jennifer Kim, Ben Masterton, Julia Maish,
Ashley Oviedo, Lisa Plasse, Jeanette Schwaba and Darren Stephens.
Running Time: 34:17
To LISTEN to 8 Episodes of the Songs of the Pogo Podcast visit https://sites.libsyn.com/451542.